Presenting HORSE at EuCNC and 6G Summit 2023

During 6th – 9th of June 2023, HORSE project participated at the annual EuCNC and 6G Summit 2023, held at Gothenburg, Sweden.
A scientific poster was accepted on behalf of the HORSE project’s and the coordinator, Prof. Fabrizio Granelli, CNIT, presented the poster during the 4 day event to the 5G/6G and communications networks professionals. Amongst other partners, Martel and Ubiwhere also participated in the event and promoted the project, its objectives and goals to the community.
During the poster presentation, Prof. Granelli explained the vision of the HORSE project which will demonstrate how applications can leverage the ongoing evolution of 6G capabilities, as well as deal with the technology solutions, and system evaluation not yet foreseen, towards an omnipresent, smart and secure network service provisioning in the future network-of-networks landscape. HORSE project will address the challenge towards 6G infrastructure operation for smart connectivity and service management, and beyond, showing its effectiveness at the intersection of 6G connectivity, computing infrastructure management and security.
EuCNC & 6G Summit is among the most eagerly awaited telecommunications events of the year. It gathers cutting-edge research and world-known industries and business presenting and discussing the latest results in 5G deployment, mobile IoT, 6G exploration and future communications systems.